Religion is one and solely one and it is eternal

आदित्य त्रिपाठी (सहा० अध्यापक, बे०शि०प०/निदेशक, आईवी २४ न्यूज़)

Aditya Tripathi (Govt. Teacher, Kothawan, Hardoi)

Once upon a time, in a diverse land filled with people of different cultures and beliefs, there was a village nestled amidst rolling hills and lush green fields. The villagers were known for their deep devotion to the divine, but they worshipped the Supreme Father by various names and practiced different rituals based on their understanding and traditions.

One day, a wise elder named Ramananda arrived in the village. He was renowned for his spiritual knowledge and had traveled far and wide in search of the ultimate truth. The villagers eagerly gathered around him, seeking his wisdom and guidance.

Ramananda began his teachings by emphasizing that God is unquestionably one, despite being known by different names such as Ishvara, Bhagavan, Khuda, Allah, Paramatma, and God. He explained that this understanding should unite them, rather than divide them, for the essence of their devotion remained the same.

He continued, “It is impossible for the Supreme Soul to bestow more than one religion upon the human race. Many of the prevalent sects and religions have been created by mankind itself, influenced by their culture, land, caste, language, and beliefs. These man-made religions lack a solid foundation and often lead to conflicts and misunderstandings.”

The villagers listened intently, realizing that their diverse religious practices were merely different paths leading to the same divine truth. Ramananda then shared profound insights from the Bhagavad Gita, the final scripture established by God. He revealed that this sacred text encapsulated the eternal and everlasting religion, known as Sanatana Dharma.

Curiosity sparked among the villagers as they sought to understand how Sanatana Dharma aligned with other religions. Ramananda explained, “In the Arabic language, the Quran refers to this eternal religion as ‘Islam,’ which means submission to God’s will and following the universal way of life.”

The villagers marveled at the revelation, realizing that the distinctions among religions were primarily based on language and cultural interpretations. The essence of devotion and the search for truth remained unchanged across all faiths.

With newfound understanding and unity, the villagers embraced their diverse religious practices while acknowledging the underlying oneness of the divine. They celebrated their differences, knowing that the truth of religion was one and eternal.

Word of Ramananda’s teachings spread far and wide, inspiring people from different villages and lands to embrace the essence of unity in their religious beliefs. The once-divided communities began to recognize the shared thread that connected them all.

And so, the village became a beacon of harmony and understanding, demonstrating that while humans may invoke the Supreme Father by different names, their devotion and search for truth ultimately lead to the same eternal path.

From that day forward, the villagers lived in peace, celebrating the beauty of diversity while cherishing the eternal truth that “religion is one and solely one and it is eternal.”